Hello, All WW Travelers! Vintage here with Some News about, The Count Cannaregio Code, That is in Issue #008 Of the, Wiglington and Wenks Newspaper known as, "Wiglington Times".
"How did you crack, Count Cannaregio's Secret Code?"
Answer: It "turns" out, I had to look at the Code, Upside-Down, For the Wiglington and Wenks Code to show.
The First PhotoGraph, I took, Is listed above this Statement.
"What does, The First PhotoGraph/Picture say?"
Answer: Those Squids better keep their tentecles off my business. Madagascar June 20 - Wiglington Time, my Server.
The Second PhotoGraph, I took, Is listed above this Statement.
"What does, The Second PhotoGraph/Picture say?"
Answer: S-t-c Squad
It seems, Count Cannaregio is planning a Very Suspicious Event that will take place on, (Details Listed Below.)
Date of When this Event Will Happen: June 20, 2010
Place of Event: Madagascar
Server of Event: Count
Their seems to be, No Time, In Count's Message. We all need to keep a, "Close Eye'', On Count Cannaregio, Just in-case, He does something, Horrific to, Wiglington and Wenks.
That's all the, WW News And/Or Updates for Now!
Take care, All WW Travelers and Have fun. : )